Sunday, 5 July 2015

Six Banana Bread

Soooo last week I made this 6 banana banana bread. Yeap, you heard me right. Six medium sized banana in one loaf of bread. I had a bunch of bananas (8 to be exact) frozen in my freezer for months and my mom had been constantly telling me that it's taking up too much of her freezer space and demanded that I do something with it or throw it away, because she believes that it's spoilt. Don't waste food, mom! Therefore, I finally decided to consult my good friend on the things that you can do with a bunch of bananas and after some serious deliberations on whether I want banana scones or bread, I decided on this 6 banana bread because I thought that it is the quickest recipe to use up my bananas. Scones next time!!

Also by friend I meant pinterest. 

Haha how sad.

Now, when I was removing the super mushy-soft-gooey bananas out of it's completely blackened skin, I must say that I was really skeptical whether or they have indeed gone bad because there was this alcohol smell coming from the bananas and it tasted weird-not-like-your-usual-ripen-banana. So I went on google, looked for some answers and decided that the bananas were fine and still good to go because the flesh were still yellow. The smell of alcohol came from the sugar that have been fermented as the bananas were tooooo ripe.

It smelt really great and looked amazing - golden brown all over - when I took it out of the oven BUT unfortunately due to a mistake of mine which is not pre-mashing the bananas before I added it into the batter, the cake turned out to be doughy on some part while dry/moist on other parts. Lesson of the day: Always follow the recipe! And pre-mash bananas before adding them to your batter. 

I'm pretty sure the cake would taste so much better if I hadn't make that mistake. It still tasted ok and we managed to finish it so it's still good. On a side note, can you tell that I'm trying to up my food photography game?!? Look at all the props! Hahahaha. I had to make this shoot a really quick one because I was preparing dinner and also because the sun was about to set and I had to make use of the natural lighting. It was kinda rushed and all but thankfully I made it so pat on my back. I would say that food photography really requires some (artistic) skills and planning because for example, how the fuck do you make a banana look like its just casually lying there?!? 

As for today, I made some AMAZING cinnamon rolls and blueberry rolls! So happy about the way they turned out! I sneaked a small bite and they were fluffy and soft and everything a good roll should be. Cant wait to have them for breakfast and maybe all other meals (insert heart-shape eye emoji here). Gonna go for a job interview at 4pm tomorrow. What an awkward timing, wished it was earlier ugh. But still, wish me luck so that I can have a job and not be so fucking broke.

Thanks for reading!

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